
1.1 Overview

Beatsquare is a diversified open financial protocol matrix, established by a group of global smart contract developers and financial experts. They come from professional financial institutions such as professional quantitative arbitrage and have many years of experience in finance, derivative products, arbitrage strategies and DAPP development. &Excellent profitability, aiming to provide the most efficient and convenient comprehensive asset management & revenue optimization services.

Beatsquare core products include two modules, Beat Optimizer and Beat Starter. Beat vaults is an intelligent routing heterogeneous network aggregation mining arbitrage algorithm "Auto Arbitrage" independently designed and developed based on the big data AI machine learning revenue optimization protocol set on the mainstream machine gun pool Year and other infrastructures. It can monitor DeFi in real time for 24 hours. Ecological liquidity changes & risks, and can quickly locate the best liquidity pool and arbitrage opportunities for the entire network, use the self-developed big data machine learning arbitrage algorithm to accurately capture the target order, and complete the arbitrage order in milliseconds High-speed matching; Beat Starter is a decentralized asset crowdfunding platform that allows anyone to issue new assets at a low cost through a crowdfunding pool, effectively reducing financing costs and improving investment fairness.

Users can achieve cross-chain aggregation through Beatsquare, open up the internal and external DEFI protocol of the ecology through the integration of core algorithm protocol modules, integrate DEX, cross-chain lending & aggregate mining, oracle, NFT, etc., and introduce decentralized multi-source trustless data inspection The oracle solution realizes the deployment of data transmission and arbitrage strategies at a lower cost to solve the current pain points of different DeFi products that are difficult to interact. By deploying independently developed AI income risk balance clearing agreements and purchasing mainstream DeFi insurance agreements such as Cover, the scale of assets can be enlarged under the premise of controllable risks, and the efficiency of aggregated arbitrage of liquid assets of DeFi products can be improved, so as to achieve the entire DeFi ecosystem. Efficient integration of arbitrage opportunities.

Other Beatsquare products include Beat Bank, a lending platform, and Beat Swap, an on-chain liquidity trading platform, with the goal of becoming a cross-chain YFI+AAVE+COINLIST.


Permission-less and open – everyone with internet access can participate.

Non-custodial – minimal trust cost, users always have ownership over their crypoassets.

Open-sourced – anyone can integrate with Beatsquare and build your own product on top of our protocols.

Decentralized – BQR token empowers the governance voting process.

1.2 Protocol

Beat Optimizer: cross-chain machine gun pool

Beat Optimizer is based on the big data AI machine learning revenue optimization protocol set. The focus is on developing innovative asset pools to maximize returns while keeping the liquidity provider’s capital as safe as possible. To this end, we aim to create a powerful A passive income platform to meet the needs of the DeFi industry. At the same time, we will further create derivatives based on yield, such as "risk optimization" yield index and other derivatives. Beat Optimizer is positioned as an anchored revenue aggregation platform, and will eventually develop into a cross-chain asset aggregation and revenue market by including multi-chain assets such as ETH, BSC, Heco, and OKexChain.

Beat Optimizer mainly includes two modules:

Module 1-Cross-chain revenue enhancer

The intelligent routing heterogeneous network aggregation mining arbitrage algorithm "Auto Arbitrage" independently designed and developed on the mainstream machine gun pool Yearn and other infrastructures can be used to control the liquidity changes & risks of the entire DeFi ecosystem in real time for 24 hours, and independently developed and controllable The risk-adaptive income amplification strategy helps users find the safest and highest-yield mining projects across the chain, and automatically cut the assets deposited by users to the mining pool with the highest income in the DeFi ecosystem, and will issue BQR on a regular basis .

Module 2-Liquidity Arbitrage Robot.

By monitoring and scanning the DeFi flow pools of ETH, BSC, Heco, OKexChain, etc., and using the self-developed big data machine learning arbitrage algorithm to trigger screening and accurate capture of large orders, the algorithm will automatically package the profits generated by the entire platform into a set of benefits Orders, and the first to complete the millisecond-level matching before large orders, part of the revenue generated in this part of the platform will charge a 20% service fee, and the rest will automatically flow into the Compound pool for compound interest.

Beat Starter: IDO platform

BeatStarter is an IDO platform that supports decentralized asset issuance and crowdfunding in the Beatsuare ecosystem. It aims to provide the most efficient and convenient comprehensive asset management & revenue optimization service. A new type of financing method has emerged in the DeFi market. IDO has further improved the ICO model by maintaining on-chain fundraising and providing instant liquidity. At the same time, the decentralized nature of IDO also makes it more transparent than IEO.

The killer feature of BeatStarter is a fixed exchange pool and cross-chain exchange, which can provide higher throughput for faster and cheaper transactions, while maintaining connections to the Ethereum network, BSC, Heco, and OKexChain to improve liquidity .

BeatStarter's mission is to combine the best quality projects with investors to launch innovative start-ups and technologies. For this goal, the BeatStarter committee has the responsibility to serve as the governance committee to ensure the quality and due diligence of the projects we initiate.

The board of directors will review your application launched on BeatStarter and vote on it. During the due diligence process, each application will be thoroughly and rigorously reviewed, and then evaluated based on objective merits. Each council member will vote, and projects with more than 60% of the council's votes will be approved to start. If approved, the project will be provided with detailed instructions on how to prepare and launch it on BeatStarter.

Interested projects should use this website to create a profile, then create and submit an application. A member of the BeatStarter review team will contact you for further instructions.

Beat Bank: Lending platform

The Beat Bank Lending Agreement is one of the key functional agreements of the Beatsquare ecosystem. It provides an interest rate market and attracts liquidity through interest rate dynamics. Borrowing creates the interest rate market, which provides the income of capital (ie stable currency) and compensates for the opportunity cost of holding capital in the decentralized financial ecosystem. The interest rate market for cryptocurrencies is a wormhole that connects two parallel worlds (the new world and the old world) and allows arbitrage in and out of the two systems. The interest rate market is also the most critical infrastructure in modern finance, controlling the allocation of basic capital. Lending agreements have a strong competitive advantage in terms of capital efficiency due to the interoperability and composability of their assets and liquidity.

The Beat Bank loan agreement introduced a loan-to-mining reward mechanism-proof of premium mechanism (POP), which is a competitive advantage of our system, which can better motivate and attract users to participate in the Beat Bank ecosystem. There are two important roles in the loan agreement: Borrower: lends his own funds to Beat Bank's fund pool lender: mortgages valuable assets to lend to Beat Bank's fund pool (mortgage). As long as the borrower and lender participate in the above two activities, they are participating in liquidity mining, and they will get a certain percentage of income every day. The fund pool and the lending process of the Beat Bank loan agreement are written into the smart contract, which is open and transparent and is truly decentralized. The daily output of borrowing and mining is determined by an intelligent function, and the output is reduced linearly, which encourages early participants to participate early and make profits.

Beat Swap: On-chain liquidity trading platform

Beat Swap is Beatsquare's on-chain automatic market maker (AMM), which provides liquidity for Wrapped assets, BQR and tokens based on ETH, BSC, Heco, OKexChain, etc. Beat Swap uses the Constant Product Market Maker (CPMM) model, which is popularized in many AMM-based DEXs such as Uniswap. CPMM is based on a function that determines the price range of two tokens based on the available quantity (liquidity) of each token. In the transaction, users can trade token pairs (earlier included in the whitelist), or provide liquidity to the selected liquidity pool by depositing tokens to provide equal liquidity on both sides of the transaction pair. It eliminates the need for trusted intermediaries, thereby prioritizing decentralization, censorship resistance, and security.

Each Beat Swap smart contract or a pair of smart contracts manages a liquidity pool consisting of a reserve of two tokens. Anyone can exchange pool tokens by depositing the equivalent value of each base token, thereby becoming the liquidity provider (LP) of the pool. These tokens track the proportion of LP shares in the total reserve and can redeem related assets at any time.

Currency pairs play the role of automatic market makers, as long as the formula of "unchanged products" is retained, they are ready to accept another token at any time. This formula (expressed most simply as x * y = k) states that the transaction must not change the product (k) of the reserve balance (x and y) of the k currency pair. Because k remains unchanged compared to the frame of reference of the transaction, it is usually called an invariant. This formula has a satisfactory feature, that is, relative to smaller transactions, larger transactions (relative to reserves) are executed at an exponential price difference.

1.3 Economic model

Beatsquare’s community governance Token, BQR, has a constant issue of 10 million, which is used to incentivize the community, supporter rewards, liquidity mining, and other applications and other initial ecosystem creation. By ensuring the mining output, the holders of BQR can participate in the recommendations and decision-making of community affairs and receive continuous dividends. It is Beatsquare's core mission to build a strong community consensus based on the community governance token BQR, and then to lay out a more complete decentralized financial ecosystem.

The role of BQR

Appreciation effect: BQR has an appreciation effect, and the profits of the Beatsquare system will automatically flow into BQR through smart contracts.

Governance voting rights: BQR has the right to govern the community, and pass holders can propose and vote for governance work such as changes and upgrades to the ecosystem.

Handling fee: BQR will be used as a handling fee in the ecological DAPP, and this part of the income will also flow into the BQR token ecology.

Access: When building an ecological project on Beatsquare, BQR is required as a base warehouse or cooperation fee. Participating in some ecological projects requires holding a certain amount of BQR to participate.

Redemption service: BQR will be able to redeem all services and commodities in all Beatsquare ecology in the later stage.

BQR allocation mechanism

Total number of tokens: 10 million, of which:

Private placement 5% (a total of 500 thousand pieces, the first release of 20%, the remaining three months of linear release)

IDO/public offering 5% (total 500 thousand pieces. no lockup)

Technical team 2% (first release 30%, linear over 6 months)

Initial liquidity & marketing 8% (including liquidity injection, cross-chain aggregate transactions, airdrops and other market activities, etc.)

80% of mining output (40% for Vaults, 20% for pledge + liquidity mining, 10% for borrowing, 10% for NFT mining)

The first round of private sale price: 1.2Uthe first release 20%, linear over 6 months

The second round of IDO price: 3.2U, no lockup

BQR value model

BQR will be the only value exchange medium of Beatsquare's multi-aggregation ecology. Withdrawal of profits or exit mining within 24 hours of pledge of a single currency will deduct 40% of the profits, and within 7 days will deduct 20% of the profits and enter the dividend pool of currency holders. Part of the BQR from the dividend pool and platform revenue will be used for dividend rewards for token holders/stakes/liquidity providers. The project party initiates the ID0/investor participation in the IDO two-way transaction and needs to purchase a corresponding amount of BQR pledge. In addition, it will also be used for cross-chain bridge connection certificate burning, transaction fee reduction and exemption, platform governance, etc.

Value discovery

(1) BSC&OK's first cross-chain asset income aggregation IDO platform that benchmarks Ethereum N3RDZ (the highest increase is more than 300 times) and Binance ALPHA (the highest increase is more than 500 times), a deflationary economic model of anti-whale + burning repurchase Will promote the continuous increase in the value of BQR;

(2) The diversified and open DeFi revenue aggregation platform has received 1.2 million US dollars in seed round investment, supported by many institutions;

(3) BQR will land on various DEXs one after another, and the well-known CEX will be launched in April

(4) With the technical support of professional financial institutions, the goal is to become a cross-chain YFI+AAVE+COINLIST

1.4 Governance

The Beatsquare community is established by a group of global smart contract developers, financial experts and a large number of blockchain enthusiasts. They come from professional financial institutions such as professional quantitative arbitrage. They have many years of experience & excellence in finance, derivative products, arbitrage strategies and DAPP development. The profitability of the company aims to promote the actual implementation of the blockchain and realize the dream of Satoshi Nakamoto and many blockchain enthusiasts to use science and technology to benefit mankind in the spirit of Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto. By adhering to the ideal of value interconnection, we will gather a group of people who contribute their self-worth to achieve the common goal, stand on the shoulders of the predecessors, contribute to the value Internet, and continue to promote the development of human society. The Beatsquare community members are not only contributors to the platform, but also include users of the Beatsquare system ecosystem, token investors, and potential contributors. The Beatsquare community will operate regardless of time and space, just like our system platform.

Community concept

The Beatsquare community will adhere to the concept of value interconnection, attract people from different regions and different industries, and contribute self-worth to achieve common goals. We believe that blockchain technology will definitely change the way of life of human beings. In the future, society will evolve into value interconnection on the basis of existing information interconnection. In the trust system built by blockchain, all kinds of people or things will Self-worth is transmitted through the blockchain network, forming a rich value interconnected network ecology, which will ultimately greatly improve social production efficiency. We launched the Beatsquare community in order to continue to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Nakamoto and realize the dream of Mr. and many blockchain system enthusiasts to use science and technology to benefit mankind.

We believe that every contributor is the most important wealth of the community, and every contributor should get his own due return. We respect everyone who provides pertinent opinions and good suggestions for the community, and give appropriate rewards. We will fairly and openly make the achievements and gains made by the community in the development process benefit everyone who contributes to the development of the community, and bring wealth, happiness and glory to every contributor. I hope that every enthusiast who is committed to the development of the blockchain industry will join the community, work together for the development and inclusiveness of technology, and share the joy of the success of the community.

Up to now, the blockchain has developed into a good competitive situation with a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending. We do not reject any new concepts and ideas. If you have different technical ideas, or even unthinkable ideas, you are welcome to contact us, we are willing to listen to your voice and fund your bold attempts. Because we believe that "tolerating failure and encouraging attempts" is the best way to treat every brave pioneer. And we are willing to always remember your bold innovation and outstanding contribution to the blockchain industry on the blockchain.

Development will inevitably encounter difficulties and problems, but we firmly believe that as long as we maintain our yearning for a better life of mankind, unlimited expectations for the future, and firm confidence in establishing a globalized blockchain network that benefits mankind, we will With the help of block chain enthusiasts, with the joint efforts of each other, they will definitely be able to reach the other side. Let us put our passionate sweat into the long river of rushing time, and let history always remember the light we burst at this historic moment.

The composition of Beatsquare community members plays a vital role in the development of the community. We welcome everyone to join us, no matter your location, no matter your age, no matter your skin color, we are willing to embrace you with open arms. We hope that every enthusiast who is committed to the development of the blockchain industry will join the community, work together for the development and inclusiveness of technology, and share the joy of the success of the community. We believe that product quality is the goal pursued unremittingly by the community and our self-esteem. We will do our best to ensure that the products developed by Beatsquare are stable and reliable, and bring people a yearning life.

Community governance

Beatsquare's ultimate goal is to develop into a fully decentralized self-made organization (DAO), platform governance and decision-making power all belong to the platform users. All BQR token holders can participate in governance directly after the Beatsquare open community governance. The following is the detailed process:

Put forward an idea -- Create a proposal -- Get feedback -- Final vote

Put forward ideas: When you have an idea about the development of the platform, you can start a discussion on Telegram and Twitter. Persuading other community members to support it can increase the chances of your proposal being passed.

Create proposal: Formally create a proposal in the Beatsquare governance forum. Note that during the proposal, your wallet address and the number of BQR you currently hold will be announced to others.

Get feedback: When your idea gets positive feedback in the community, the proposal request will be changed to "candidate proposal" status. At this point, the team will evaluate the feasibility of the proposal from the technical level and give recommendations.

Final vote: Whether the final proposal can be passed depends on the votes of all BQR holders. When more than 20% of the total amount of BQR tokens participate in the vote, and 2/3 of the votes are yes, the proposal is passed, and the team will implement the proposal.

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